Getting Started with Data - e-Learning

Get started on data basics with this e-learning developed in partnership between the Scottish Government, Digital Office for Scottish Local Government and Perth and Kinross Council.

Professional Learning

Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced)



Organisations rely on information to see what has happened in the past and to support good decisions being made in the future. People using information need to be able to trust it.

 By the end of the course, you will be able to: 

  • Describe why information is important to their role and organisation.
  • Describe that there are different types of data used within an organisation.
  • Describe how their actions can create good or bad data.
  • Describe why it’s important to care for their data

Who is it for?

This course is for anyone who works with information, regardless of your role or seniority. The course is not technical or industry specific and requires no technical knowledge or skills.

While the content has been designed for Local Authorities in Scotland, the information within is generic and applies to learners across all sectors from anywhere in the world.

Technical requirements

This is an e-learning course accessible in your browser. You do not need any additional software.

Note for local L&D professionals: Scottish Digital Academy is unable to export and provide organisation-specific learner data. If you want to track completion rates in your organisation, we recommend accessing the SCORM package through our website.


All public and third sector staff (including rest of UK) can access this e-learning. You must register with the Scottish Digital Academy; you will then be sent an email with a URL to access the e-learning.

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