About us

We are the public sector centre of excellence for digital capability.


Who we are and what we do

Scotland’s future will be forged in a digital world. A world in which digital skills and technologies will transform our lives. We are the centre of excellence for digital capability and we support the Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) profession within the Scottish Government.

Our team provides high quality professional learning to public and third sector staff to build digital skills and talent. Our aim is to support the transformation of services by being focused on user centred design, maximising the use of digital technologies and using new ways of working.

In a time of significant change, we recognise that digital skills are needed at every level of an organisation and across all job roles and grades. The future of Scotland as a thriving digital nation, as illustrated in the Digital Strategy A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world, relies on people being equipped with the best possible learning experiences that empowers them to do their job effectively and with confidence. Our professional learning offer is aimed at anyone working in the public and third sectors in Scotland. We nurture digital skills, building capacity and capability to support transformation and digital public services.


Our team

We are part of the People, Strategy and Corporate Services Division within the Scottish Government Digital Directorate.

Yor Turner Chartered FCIPD, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer for Digital

Lee Dunn Chartered CMgr FCMI MIoL, Head of the Digital Academy

Dean Rhodes, Senior Lead Specialist (Agile Coaching and Professional Learning)

Maryanne McGoldrick, Senior Lead Specialist (Leadership and Talent)

Ange MacFie, Senior Lead Specialist (Programme Delivery)

Kelly Brooks, Senior Lead Specialist (Communication and Engagement)

Jamie Wardlaw, Lead Specialist (Agile Coaching and Professional Learning)

Jonah Coman, Lead Specialist (Agile Coaching and Professional Learning)

Rubina Mohammed, Lead Specialist (Profession Support)

Ella Krueger, Lead Specialist (Profession and Programme Delivery)

Robbie Penman, Business and Operations Lead

Debbie Gordon, Business and Operations Lead

Kai Wilson, Business and Operations Administrator

Mikayla Scott, Business and Operations Administrator


Business Plan 2024

Our business plan is a blueprint that sets out the work that we’ll do for the next year. It’s updated annually to reflect any changes in the public sector eco-system.


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