Introduction to Web Accessibility by W3C

For delegates wanting to gain a strong foundation in digital accessibility to develop more accessible websites and apps.
4-5 hours, over 4-5 weeks

Professional Learning

Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced)



This course is created by W3C and hosted on edX

Accessibility is essential for individuals and organizations that want to create high-quality websites and apps – and not exclude people from using their products and services. This course gives you the foundation in accessibility you need to excel in digital professions. It is designed for:

  • developers

  • designers

  • content authors

  • project managers

  • people with disabilities 

  • and others

In this course, you will learn about the international standards for web accessibility from the W3C – including Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and WAI-ARIA for Accessible Rich Internet Applications – and first steps in applying them.

You will also learn the broad scope of web accessibility, how people with disabilities use different assistive technologies and adaptive strategies, the business benefits of web accessibility, and where to find W3C resources on implementing accessibility.

For full course details and to enrol, visit: Introduction to Web Accessibility 

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