Applications invited for Leading in a Digital World

This programme supports senior leaders transforming their organisation to address the challenges and opportunities presented by our digital world. The programme was previously titled Digital Champions.

Foreword by Lesley Fraser, Director General Corporate, Scottish Government


As we prepare ourselves and our organisations for a future living with Covid, we recognise that our customers need our digital leadership in all that we do and for all of our people. The future of Scotland as a thriving digital nation, as illustrated in the Digital Strategy A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world relies on everyone in our organisation being equipped with the best possible learning to empower them to do their job effectively and with confidence.

The pandemic has escalated the pace and scale of digital transformation and this will only continue in the coming months and years. We want to be confident that Scotland is in a strong position to meet the challenges and realise the opportunities that this presents, and to further our reputation as an inclusive and outward-looking digital nation.  The Leading in a Digital World programme, with its mixture of academic input, real world insight and learning from digital leaders, will help you ensure that you and your teams are well equipped to serve your customers and communities, now and in the future.


Programme overview and how to apply

The programme is being launched by the Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise Mr Ivan McKee MSP and will bring together practitioners and executives from across the Scottish public sector to share practical use cases and examples. Participants can discuss emerging opportunities and key challenges faced in delivering transformation in their own organisations.

It is essential that participants commit to the duration of the programme and that you book your diaries pending your acceptance onto the programme:

15 & 16 March 2022 – these are full days, in person at a venue in Edinburgh TBC
05 April 2022 – this is half a day, online via Microsoft Teams
26 April 2022 – this is half a day, online via Microsoft Teams
17 & 18 May 2022 – these are full days, in person at a venue in Edinburgh OR Glasgow TBC

The programme is free of charge but attendees are expected to meet the costs of travel to and from meeting venues and/or overnight stays.  We may need to respond to any update in guidance around the Coronavirus pandemic by moving to online delivery.  Joining instructions will include Covid guidance for delegates attending venues in person.

Go to Leading in a Digital World  for the full programme agenda and to submit an application – open from 17 January 2022 to 31 January 2022.

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