Jamie Wardlaw

Lead Specialist Learning and Development, Digital Directorate at the Scottish Government


Jamie joined the Scottish Digital Academy in November 2021.

Prior to this, he worked for the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service for nearly 8 years. Within that timeframe he was a Firefighter Control Operator across 3 Control rooms in Scotland; Inverness, Dundee and Edinburgh. A Crew Commander on Watch, and seconded as a manager to the Fire & Rescues ‘Command & Control’ project helping to configure and test their new mobilising system. Within that timeframe he has developed excellent skills, from teaching and mentoring operators, to handling and responding to stressful emergencies in a calm and controlled manner while managing the room. He has worked with colleagues from all over Scotland, ranging as far away as Lerwick Shetland to Dunbar in East Lothian. He has collaborated at a high level with other emergency responders such as Police, Ambulance and Mountain Rescue.

Jamie’s areas of expertise include learning & development, mentoring and teaching. He has responsibility for the delivery of training for the Scottish Digital Academy as well as the pathways around the DDAT framework.


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